Connection & Communication

Writing, Interviews & Videos
John Britton

(including new work emerging from my forthcoming book:
‘What Actors Know’.)

Welcome to What Actors Know.

It’s a journey into communication, connection, calm and creativity.

These days I don’t travel much, preferring to work as a coach, mentor and artist from my home in rural Ireland. You can find out more about my work on my website:

I write and talk of many things in these pages. The heart is this though: the deep skills of performance are connection and communication. Whether you’re a performer or not, they are life skills we all benefit from improving.

I’ve split the site into three sections: writing, videos and podcasts/interviews. You can also search using hashtags via the link in the header.

If you’ve any thoughts or responses to what you read here, please drop me an email on [email protected]

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