What Actors Know, Self-With-Others & Other Writings

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  • What doesn’t kill you…

    What doesn’t kill you…

    Calling bullshit. ‘What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’. Bullshit. Let’s kick that into touch for a start. What doesn’t kill you can still hurt like hell. It can break your spirit. It can destroy your self-confidence. It can make you scared to try again. It can darken your world. It can snuff out your…

  • Right here, right now, you’re good enough

    Right here, right now, you’re good enough

    A principle to live by Lack of self-confidence is brutal. Every decision is tinged with anxiety. Each step is hyper-vigilant. Any set-back triggers a confirmation bias response — ‘I knew I’d not be able to do this….’. Opportunities are problems. Challenges are defeats. One set-back wipes out ten successes. We’re told to change our thinking…

  • Seasons of the mind

    Seasons of the mind

    For many years I travelled continually. I was away from home for months on end. Often I’d be packing suitcases for a new trip before unpacking from the one just finished. I saw many wonderous things and worked with extraordinary and beautiful people. I saw the world. But I lost contact with the earth. However…

  • Sometimes it’s really not you….

    Sometimes it’s really not you….

    It’s the system I’ve created a free introduction to Self With Others, accessible to anyone in any sphere of life. It’ll offer you insights and guidance towards aligning with the world, struggling less, living more easefully and accessing greater daily joy. When you sign up you’ll receive two emails a week for 8 weeks giving…

  • The Interconnected Self

    The Interconnected Self

    The central idea of Self-With-Others From very early in life we’re taught to live a lie. It concerns the very nature of self. I call it the myth of The Isolated Self. We’re taught to believe we’re separate from other people, nature, the world, even from those closest to us. Writer Charles Eisenstein calls it…

  • Inner Work

    Inner Work

    The second ‘domain’ of Self-With-Others Most approaches to professional or personal development focus on one area of our lived experience. Much personal development focuses on changing our inner world — how we think, feel, use our body etc. Much Professional Development deals with how we connect and forge relationships. Organisational or political perspectives deal with…

  • The power of connection

    The power of connection

    The third ‘domain’ in Self-With-Others I’m offering a free introduction to Self-With-Others, an way of living in connection in an interconnected world. It takes the form of 14 emails — two per week sent over 7 weeks. Self With Others is based on exploring three different domains of human experience simultaneously: our inner universe, the…

  • Planting a tree

    Planting a tree

    Yesterday was glorious warm and sunny in Ireland. I planted an oak tree. It’s thigh-high with seven large leaves. I put it near another young oak I planted 18 months ago. It’s even smaller, barely to my knees, but thriving. I hope they’ll meet beneath the ground and be good friends. I fenced the new…

  • Restlessness


    The dark side of the imagination I’ve always been restless. It’s served me well much of the time. I don’t accept things because ‘that’s how they are’. I don’t accept ‘that’s how I am’ either. I ask ‘why?’ I ask ‘what about?’ (of myself and of the world). I wonder, mull and imagine different. Imagination…

  • In fear, calm

    In fear, calm

    Yesterday I had an angiogram. It’s a strange procedure. A tube is stuck into the vein in the wrist, pushed up the arm and across the chest. It connects with the heart. A large, white, sci-fi looking camera/x-ray manouvres across my chest — remotely controlled. There’s a large TV screen to my left dotted with…