Tag: improvisation

  • Naked In Front of the Villlage

    Naked In Front of the Villlage

    How Improvising saved my ass. Some years ago I toured a solo show. It was called ‘Echo Chamber’. At that time, I taught all over the world, and was often asked to perform ‘Echo Chamber’ alongside teaching gigs. It was a hard-hitting piece: full of violence, nudity and some pretty dark material. It was tough…

  • A path through the mountains

    A path through the mountains

    Embracing contradiction and developing adaptability There’s an old story I sometimes tell. It’s from one of the many Buddhist traditions. It goes like this: Some students go to their Master, and say: ‘You’re a fraud! We don’t want to study with you anymore!’ The Master smiled softly and stroked his beard (for this story comes…

  • Life’s an improvisation

    Short Video